If there’s been any pros during the pandemic, wary investors are fleeing the real estate market and ultimately, creating opportunities for first-time buyers who now face less competition. With the market slow and many sellers eager to move into new places, buyers are getting fantastic deals on homes; homes they might not have been able to afford just one year ago. Vista Real Estate, one of the leading companies in Belize’s industry, outlines how not to deter from making your move to Belize; which includes switching to virtual practices across the country alongside negotiable prices and flexibility. And with launching a new website, Vista now makes it even easier to find exactly what you’re looking for in Belize to make your move.
Responsible Real Estate Practices
While the global communities switches to working remotely, so does real estate – regardless if you’re a buyer or seller. For example, Vista has introduced virtual showings in addition to virtual meetings, which includes a qualified broker and Belizean attorney. This way, transactions can be properly closed, while clients’ best interests secured. Besides English being the nation’s first language, Belize also utilizes British Common Law for a seamless, universal translation; all contracts and paperworks are written in English, which also makes it easy to follow along.
Read more on Vista’s Responsible Real Estate Guidelines here.
What Purchasing Real Estate in Belize during the Pandemic looks like
Although prices have remained steady, certain sellers are more negotiable in terms of prices and terms given current travel restrictions. If anything, one true advantage of purchasing real estate in Belize during the pandemic is decreased competition from cash-heavy investors. Since the closure of Belize’s Philip Goldson International Airport, international buyers have been unable to visit Belize to physically visit prospective properties. With this, sellers previously reluctant to any kind of flexibility have since readjusted after positive pressure. Meanwhile, with tourism on pause, foreign exchange such as US dollars have earned a new value of purchasing power.
Vista’s New Look of Real Estate in Belize
After months at home, home owners have questioned the why of their location and lifestyle. Why not live on the beach? Why not own a cattle ranch? In addition to being a melting-pot of cultures, Belize offers a wide array of distinct lifestyles; uniquely defined by the various regions throughout the country. So whether you’re looking for that dream property, or would like to sell and move on to your next, discover new experience when you find your Vista.