Where To Enjoy Pickleball on the Placencia Peninsula

by Carolee Chanona

First things first: what even is Pickleball? Played with a Wiffle ball (one of those light, plastic balls with holes), it’s a cross between tennis, badminton, and ping pong. In fact, it’s reported to be the fastest-growing sport in America. And now, Belize boasts its first-ever Pickleball court! Or rather, courts—plural. Energetic visitors can leave it all on the court on the Placencia Peninsula in Southern Belize at one of the Sirenian Bay Resort & Villa’s four pickleball courts. This paddleball sport, which combines elements of other paddle-centric sports, is the ideal way to bat away stress while working up a healthy sweat. And who knew Placencia had a pickleball association? You can even grab a membership at Sirenian Bay, which grants you access to other amenities like their entertainment center’s pool, discounts at Inky’s, locker rooms, their gym, and more.

Pickleball Readies For Prime Time Play in Belize

Playing singles or doubles, you’ll soon be able to get rallies going. There’s less sprinting so it’s easier on the body, making it popular with retirees. “It’s about connection, joy, and play – and the importance of play in a world where exhaustion and workaholism are status symbols,” Brené Brown, vulnerability researcher, author, and owner of Texas team the ATX Pickleballers, told the New York Times. It’s ordinary people picking up a paddle and pickleball. And that’s what they’re doing, in their numbers.

With two dedicated Pickleball courts and one large Tennis Court that’s adaptable to be two more Pickleball courts, Sirenian Bay Resort & Villas is really upping the ante for fun & sun. Spanning from Lagoon to Beachfront with the property on both sides of the highway, Sirenian Bay offers an all-inclusive experience with more than just a handful of amenities:

People are looking for avenues to have some fun and get some exercise, but do it in an easy-going way. What better than trying a new sport? Here’s to your new favorite game: Pickleball on the Peninsula with Sirenian Bay Resort & Villas.

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