Certifying Belizean Restaurants and Recognizing Fishers
Can you imagine not being able to purchase or eat fish in Belize? Now, imagine Belize without seafood at all. It seems gloomy, doesn’t it? For seafood lovers, it is difficult, or even impossible, to fathom – both now, and in the future!

Fish Right Eat Right ( FRER) is an initiative that seeks to guarantee Belizeans, and tourists alike, a long lifetime of enjoying fish and other seafood. It is called FISH RIGHT EAT RIGHT!
The Fish Right Eat Right Certification was born from a collaborative process with Belize Tourism Board, Belize Tourism Industry Association, Environmental Defence Fund, Oceana, the Belize Fisheries Department, and the Wildlife Conservation Society.

FRER certification ensures a future of seafood in Belize, and it provides incentives for fishers, seafood sellers, restaurants, and consumers to promote and support the harvest, trade, and consumption of sustainably and legally caught seafood. FRER establishes a local brand that promotes restaurants and hotels which are sourcing seafood in a responsible manner.
The FRER App is available for download for Apple devices on the App Store and for Android on the Play Store.
For more information, visit http://www.fishrighteatright.com or follow on Facebook @fishrighteatright.
Written by Deseree Arzu
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