Taiwan’s coronavirus response is among the best globally, says CNN
Taiwan has demonstrated to the world its success and strength in limiting the impact of COVID-19 in their country. On January 25, 2020, the world was just waking up to the potential danger of the novel coronavirus spreading rapidly out of China. Simultaneously, two governments recorded four new infections within their territory – Taiwan and Australia.
Australia and Taiwan have similar sized populations of about 24 million people. Both are islands, allowing strict controls over who crosses their borders. Additionally, both have strong trade and transport links with mainland China. Ten weeks on from that date today, however, Australia has almost 5,000 confirmed cases, while Taiwan has less than 400.
Taiwan’s concern for the Central American Region results in vital assistance, to Belize especially
Taiwan is in such a strong position now that after weeks of banning the export of face masks to ensure the domestic supply, the government said Wednesday, that it would donate 10 million masks to the United States, Italy, Spain, and nine other European countries, as well as smaller nations who have diplomatic ties with the island. Within those diplomatic ties, Belize, whose foreign bi-lateral relationship with the Republic of China has been maintained since 1989. Just last year, Belize and Taiwan celebrated 30 years of good diplomatic relations with various events.
With Belize announcing our first positive case of coronavirus on March 23rd, 2020, Taiwan extended funding for the Government of Belize to purchase medical equipment and materials just 2 days later on March 25th, 2020. Just April 9th, Taiwan committed to $2 Million BZD towards Belize’s fight in limiting the spread of coronavirus. This donation will go towards personal protective equipment, equipment, testing kits, and laboratory supplies for Belize’s medical service.
On April 14th, 2020, the Government of Belize physically received 60,000 high quality face masks made in Taiwan. The shipment left Taipei last week before transiting through the USA, Panama, and lastly, Guatemala. The Ministry of Health will issue the face masks starting April 16th, 2020.Taiwan joins other countries, like Cuba, who has offered crucial assistance to Belize in the fight against the novel COVID-19 coronavirus.