Over the last few months, international travel has come to a screeching halt amidst the COVID-19 pandemic; as we venture further into the year, some airline companies have pledged to resume service. Notably, many of Belize’s neighbours like Mexico, Jamaica, and the Bahamas reopen their borders as early as June. While Southwest Airlines have confirmed all flights to Belize will remain suspended until January 2021, other airlines await a reopen date for the Philip Goldson International Airport. Until then, airlines like WestJet, Air Canada, United, and Sun Country continue to have Belize on their seasonal flight schedule. Seasonal flights typically range between fall and spring. Much like Belize, these destinations are eager to welcome travelers, with the economy heavily dependent on tourism.
Editor’s Note: Announced in a virtual press conference on August 28, Prime Minister Hon. Dean Barrow confirms that Belize will reopen its international airport for tourism as of October 1, 2020.
Air Canada – Direct nonstop flight from Toronto
Direct non-stop seasonal (Nov to Apr) flights to Belize are available with Air Canada from Toronto. Ѕtаrtіng Dесеmbеr 13, 2019 Аіr Саnаdа increased thе numbеr оf dіrесt ѕеаѕоnаl flіghtѕ tо Веlіzе. Аіr Саnаdа аnnоunсеd thіѕ wееk thаt thеrе wіll bе flіghtѕ оn Моndауѕ, Wеdnеѕdауѕ, аnd Frіdауѕ durіng thе ѕеаѕоn, whісh lаѕtѕ frоm Dесеmbеr tо Арrіl. Canada was Belize’s the third-largest visitor destination in 2019, accounting for around 7 percent of tourists to Belize.
WestJet – Direct nonstop flight from Toronto
The longest flight from Belize City BZE is a 2,715 mile (4,369 km) non-stop route to Calgary YYC in Canada. This direct flight takes around 6 hours and 34 minutes and is operated by WestJet. WestJet also offers a direct non-stop seasonal flight from November to April from Toronto.
Sun Country Airlines – Direct nonstop flight from Minneapolis-St. Paul to Belize
Sun Country Airlines offers a seasonal nonstop service to Belize, which started December 2018 from Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. The fairly new service is offered from December to April, and will operate once a week with round trips on Saturdays. This is a great route for those that live in Saskatchewan, Manitoba or Northern Ontario to escape the Canada’s long winters.
United – Direct nonstop flight from North America
On June 2, United Airlines made an update to the world in regards to its flights, routes and reopening schedules. This included summer 2020 flights to destinations in Central America and the Caribbean, listing 5 weekly flights scheduled to Belize.