What Is Slow Travel and How You Can Embrace It While in Belize

by Khaila Gentle

In today’s society, the thought of doing anything slowly might be seen as going against the grain. For the world of tourism, though, slow travel could be the future. But what does it mean to travel slowly? And why are more and more travelers embracing the concept? 

Well, for one, slow travel has a lot more to do with why we travel as opposed to how fast. Rather than checking off bucket lists and scheduling packed itineraries, the concept focuses on experiencing a destination more deeply than one normally would. 

Think spending more time in one destination rather than speeding through four, or immersing yourself in the culture of a place rather than visiting the hottest “must-do” spots. In Belize, here’s what it can look like when you choose to lean into slow travel. 

How to “Travel Slowly” When in Belize 

Spend time interacting with local communities 

Drumming Lessons at the Lebeha Drumming Center. Photo by @rafellurhs on Instagram

Going slow means going local. And that means taking the time to get to know the people and the cultures that belong to the places you visit. More than just opening your mind, interacting with local communities is often a way to support those communities. 

In the village of Hopkins, enjoy a drumming lesson or cooking class at the Lebeha Drumming Centre. Or visit the San Antonio Women’s Cooperative in Cayo for an immersive indigenous experience. 

Eat like a local 

Photo by Muy’Ono Resorts

One of the best ways to truly experience a destination is through its food. Whether you decide to check out the local street food scene or dine on authentic Belizean cuisine, eating like a local isn’t just a great way to do slow travel in Belize. It’s also a great way to save money. 

Travel like a local, too 

Catch a water taxi to the islands of Caye Caulker and Ambergris Caye. Image via Hey Ciara

Skip the puddle jumper flight and travel by bus or by boat for a change. Not only will it afford you the opportunity to see the country from a different perspective, but it’s cheaper, too. 

Additionally, take the time to visit lesser known spots that don’t see much crowds. Think national parks and museums or even local communities like Gales Point in the Belize District. 

Why Embrace Slow Travel 

Photo courtesy Umaya Resort & Adventures

There are plenty of reasons why people are learning to embrace slow travel. For one, it can help to prevent what’s known as “tourist burnout”. That’s when, at the end of a vacation, you feel just as tired as you did at the start of your trip. This happens when we spend too much time obsessing over getting it all done in just one trip.  Slow travel, however, aims to rejuvenate us rather than leave us exhausted. 

Additionally, going off the beaten track can greatly help with saving money. But perhaps most important of all is the fact that it can reduce our impact on the environment, whether nature, people, or wildlife.  

Photo Courtesy: The Rainforest Lodge at Sleeping Giant

Say goodbye to  FOMO and travel fatigue and say hello to the truly memorable – and valuable – travel experiences when you embrace slow travel. 

Featured Photo by Sweet Songs Jungle Lodge. This article was first shared in May 2023. 

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