In Belize, November 19th is a public holiday that commemorates the arrival of the Garifuna people to the country’s southern shores. In the 17th century, British and French slave traders brought Sub-Saharan African slaves to the islands of the Lesser Antilles. There, those slaves intermarried with native Island Carib and Arawak people and gave birth to the vibrant Garinagu.

Re-enactment of Yurumein. Photo by iTravelBelize
Moreover, the seamless mixture of traditions, together with, their unique language and music stems from a deep-rooted appreciation and acknowledgment of who they are as people. Persecuted and exiled from Caribbean islands like St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the Garinagu made their way to Roatan and then Belize to find refuge and a new beginning. While in Belize, try your best at a greeting in the Garifuna language with this quick crash course on Garifuna words to learn!
Numada = Friend
Builti = Good
Nuguya = Me
Seremien = Tahnks
Ugundani = Felicitation
Buiti Achüluruni = Welcome
Buiti Binafi = Good Morning
Buiti Raaban Weyu = Good Afternoon
Buiti Guñoun = Good Night
Ayi = Yes
Igabunun = Come Here
Buguya = You
Nisanimy = Son/Daughter
Eyeri = Man
Iñaru = Woman
Echuni = Tradition
Inebesei = Respect
Pantaü = Pride
Happy Garifuna Settlement Day! As you celebrate at home, here’s a crash course on the Garifuna language and words to learn. After all, Garifuna is just one of the languages spoken in Belize.
Header photo by Duarte Dellarole