Travel Ban: The Caribbean Countries Shutting Down to UK Travellers

by Vivian Roe

The Express reported this week that holiday hotspots in the Caribbean have become the latest to “shut down to UK travellers” after Matt Hancock declared a “new strain” of coronavirus “out of control”. On Saturday Health Secretary Matt Hancock appeared on television to declare a “new strain” of COVID-19 “out of control.” Not only so, but it did prompt a new strict Tier 4 slammed into action in London. Also, it devastated the Christmas plans of thousands. Moreover, it also saw countries around the world suddenly banning travel with the UK.

 The new strain could mean more cancelled plans for those who had hoped to enjoy some winter respite away from the cold.

Related: Here’s The Countries With A Travel Ban on UK Travelers after Discovering New Coronavirus Strain
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Photo via Tomek Baginski/Unsplash

Jamaica was the first Caribbean country to close its borders to British arrivals. Grenada and the Dominican Republic swiftly followed suit. In addition, there are growing concerns more Caribbean countries will follow suit. As of 8:00 am on Wednesday morning, St. Vincent & The Grenadines increases their mandatory quarantine from high risk countries like the UK from 5 days to 10 days.

Read the full article here.

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