Access Point To Self: Solo Travel in Belize for Wellness

by Caribbean Lifestyle Editorial Team

Experience your body energetically healing itself. It begins as a subtle overpowering of the senses. It’s how the air smells — crisp and spicy as you come up for air after a quick dive under celeste waters. Pure and earthy as you steady your breath on a hike through verdant pine forests. Then, there is a quiet reverberation that tingles at your fingertips, travels through your body, and settles on your mind. Colors seem more vibrant, sounds feel musically complex and flavors linger on well after the meal is done.

The rarity of this sensation is only outweighed by its transformative relief. My first time, I was meditating under a full moon on a Placencia beach (scenic is an understatement). Warm sea air mixed with cool zephyr and the moon illuminated all but the shadows that loomed elegantly under the coconut trees. Sitting in vajrasana, I remember feeling hesitant to close my eyes—alone, out in the open. When I finally relaxed into my surroundings, I was gradually overcome by the sensation of expanded awareness: an eternity lived in a second.

The Skill of Self-Healing

The skill of self-healing. Image courtesy Belize Retreats by Muy'Ono

The skill of self-healing is stored in our collective memory, ready for download. We often think memories are stored in our heads. Truth is, our whole body is one big iCloud. Access to those files requires a surrender to nature, like accepting cosmic terms of agreement you’ve actually read. While you may come to experience this altering sensation at home, the magic of moon bathing on the shores of Belize is an absolute amplifier. Certain places are cosmic access points to self.

We venture outside our daily lives and challenge our comfort zones to externally coax what lives within. As wellness destinations go, Belize has it all—a bold claim corroborated by many a conscious traveler. The seamless blend of nature and eco-luxury can be enjoyed at a plethora of resorts around the country. Around thirty-six percent of terrestrial land is protected. These national parks, natural monuments, and wildlife sanctuaries are places of unmistakable beauty and healing. Try unlocking your sense of self at these three high vibrational places.

Cheers to wellness with farm fresh ingredients. Image courtesy Muy'Ono Farms.


If shadow work and connecting to past civilizations is your thing, take your yoga mat to one of the many Maya temples in Belize. Xunantunich is located in the west. A short hand-cranked ferry ride across the river will take you to the stone maiden’s ancient city. Explore the site to find your space and don’t forget to request permission from the spirits to share it. Start with a slow-flow yoga session amongst the ruins and end with an Om Shanti. Pro tip: burn some copal during your practice. Some repellant isn’t a bad idea either.


The medicine of life is on these trails. Learning the names and medicinal properties of plants as you walk is the ultimate grounding experience. The ancient knowledge of the Maya can teach you to treat rashes and sunburn with Gumbo Limbo to even lower blood sugar with chaya. Complete your energetic download with a visit to the nearest spa. What better than a relaxing massage to kneed all that healing information in. Bring your camera, notebook and take in the source energy around you.


We all know of the sea’s healing properties. The Belize Barrier Reef is the largest in the northern hemisphere. Before a dive or snorkel, bring your desires to your mind. How do they compare to the aquatic wonderland you’re submerged in? The sight of a grazing hawksbill turtle off Silk Caye is a treat for the soul. Envision your troubles soaking away. Rinse with fresh water and enjoy caresses from the sun, a touch kept gentle by cool breezes that seem summoned especially for you.

Written by Andrea Reneau for the 2021/2022 Belize Gold Book.
Header image courtesy Andrea Reneau. Article found on page 72 of the 2021/2022 Belize Gold Book. Read more articles from the #BelizeGoldBook below:

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