The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has removed the need for individuals who traveled internationally or out of state to self- quarantine for 14 days once returning from travel. Quarantining has been a protocol implemented to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 by placing those who may have been exposed in isolation, away from others. Originally, the guidelines recommended a 14-day self-quarantine; this was for those returning from international destinations or areas with a high concentration of the virus. Now, travelers are only being advised to “follow state, territorial, tribal and local recommendations or requirements after travel”. These include social distancing, wearing a mask and washing of hands.
As travel slowly opens up with individuals eager to travel, the CDC shares Travel Recommendations for Destinations Around the World.
Many travelers have been discouraged to travel due to all the regulations and travel restrictions in place. Nevertheless, not countries worldwide are slowly opening up. Although, it is recommended that staying at home is the best way to protect yourself from COVID-19. However, if you are looking to travel, consider low risk destinations. Besides, the Caribbean remains a popular destination desired by travelers. Meanwhile, some countries are doing exceptionally well to minimize the spread and safeguard its people and tourism, such as Saint Lucia.
Feature Image Courtesy: ROEming Belize Travel Agency