These Belize Dishes are Perfect for the Fall Season

by Giulissa Hernandez
belizean christmas holiday dish black relleno

While the rest of the world may be cozying up with pumpkin spice lattes, Belize offers a unique twist on fall flavors. As the days get cooler, the Caribbean breeze carries the scent of Belizean dishes that’ll warm your heart and tickle your taste buds. While these meals can technically be made during the rest of the year as well, there’s a certain taste that brings back memories of this time of year. Once you take that first bite, you’ll feel like Christmas is just around the corner. Get ready to indulge in a unique culinary journey as we explore these delightful Belizean fall dishes.

A Belizean Twist: Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner

Photo Credit: Radisson Fort George Hotel & Marina

While Thanksgiving is not an official Belizean holiday, much of the country has embraced the tradition with a Belizean twist. Belizean turkey dinner brings a combination of roasted turkey, hearty stuffing, cranberry sauce, and local sides like rice and beans (or dirty rice), potato salad, and, of course, plantains. It’s a tropical Thanksgiving feast, where the flavors of fall meet the Caribbean’s vibrant cuisine. With a juicy piece of turkey and a bite of baked ham, nothing can go wrong. 

Flavorful and Unique: Relleno

black relleno

The Belizean black relleno or ‘black dinner’.

For those unfamiliar with it, this dish adds a dash of mystery to your selection of fall plates. Also called ‘black dinner,’ relleno is a soup chockful of spices and perfectly seasoned meat. It’s usually made for feasts and birthdays, but, of course, it’s also a fall favorite! Many families in Northern Belize choose it as the main dish served on Christmas Day. The mouthwatering blend of spices, and a chicken baked with ground beef inside is sure to leave you stuffed at the end. Everyone deserves to try relleno at least once.

The Underrated Fall Soup: Mechado

Not as popular as relleno, mechado is just as tasty! This soup brings an amalgamation of flavors to the table with saffron, olives, capers, and bacon to just name a few. This meal is also a holiday favorite, and once the wind blows cool, we begin craving it. Mechado is served with corn tortillas that amplify the flavor and complement the soup. 

Bonus: Fall Beverages

We might be cheating a little but we can’t write about fall dishes without mentioning our favorite fall beverages. And no, this doesn’t mean pumpkin-spiced lattes! In Belize, rumpopo and sahou take the cake for a tasty fall drink. 


Rumpopo is the beloved Belizean version of spiked eggnog. This creamy beverage is addictive with its velvety texture and divine flavor. Made with eggs, evaporated milk, nutmeg, and rum, this beverage is the perfect end to a long day. You’ll find bottled versions sold at stores and gas stations, but your best bet is to buy it from street vendors or receive it as a gift. If a Belizean gifts you a bottle of rumpopo during this season, take it as a sign that they truly appreciate you!


This refreshment is one that hails from the Garinagu. Sahou is also thick and creamy, but this time with a different set of ingredients. Made primarily with cassava, coconut or evaporated milk, and sugar, sahou can be enjoyed as a drink and as a dessert. If the weather is crisp outside, a warm cup of sahou is perfect.

Belizean cuisine takes a quirky and interesting approach to fall flavors, offering a delightful change from the pumpkin-spiced treats you might be used to. Relleno, Turkey Dinner, and Mechado are just a few examples of the Belizean culinary adventure that awaits you. Whether you’re a foodie seeking new flavors or a traveler eager to embrace local culture, Belize’s quirky fall dishes will spice up your season in a truly delightful way.

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