Belize To Require Negative COVID-19 Test for All Travelers, Regardless of Vaccination Status

by Carolee Chanona
AA flight arrive belize airport tarmac covid

As of Monday August 9, 2021, the dually Caribbean and Central American nation of Belize will require all incoming travelers to present a negative COVID-19 test, or be tested on entry. The new, updated entry requirement applies to both vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers at any point of entry: by air to the Philip Goldson International Airport, maritime ports, and land borders. Earlier this year, Belize became one of the first countries in the world to waive pre-flight COVID-19 entry testing for vaccinated travelers.

In a release by the Belize Tourism Board on August 5, the new negative COVID-19 test requirement differs slightly on port of entry. Read more, below.

Entering Belize via Air at the Philip Goldson International Airport

An American Airlines flight lands on the tarmac in Belize during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo courtesy Belize Tourism Board

All travelers entering Belize at the Philip Goldson International Airport (PGIA) will be required to present a  negative Covid-19 PCR test taken within 96 hours of travel or a negative result from any approved Antigen Rapid Test taken within 48 hours of travel. If no test is presented, a COVID-19 test will be administered at the airport for a fee of USD $50 per passenger. Children under the age of 5 years will not be required to present a negative test; but children 5 years and older will be required to present a negative test.

Entering Belize via Land Borders


Photo via Meritt Thomas/Unsplash

All travelers entering Belize through the Northern and Western Borders will be administered a Rapid Test for COVID-19 by the Ministry of Health and Wellness, at their own expense. No external COVID-19 PCR or Rapid Test will be accepted at these points of entry.

Stay informed of the new rules and regulations required to enter Belize HERE.

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