Once the airport reopens on October 1 under Phase 3 of Belize’s Travel Reopening Plan, home owners can also return to Belize. While it is recommended to present proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test within 72 hours of travel to Belize. However, if you are unable to, you will be required to take a PCR test at the Belize international airport. If the test result is negative, the Ministry of Health will provide clearance for you to go home, but recommends 14 days of self-isolation. Those testing positive upon arrival will be placed in mandatory quarantine for a minimum of 14 days, at your own expense.
Editor’s Note: Announced July 21, 2020, Belize will reopen its international airport on October 1, 2020. Read more on Belize’s October reopening here. This article was originally published on July 10, with edits made August 28.
Qualified Retired Persons (QRP) Program also including within Phase 3
Individuals who have QRP status in Belize will be allowed to return to Belize during Phase 3. On arrival, a COVID-19 PCR Test will be done, with a required home quarantine thereafter for 14-days. At the end of the quarantine period, the QRP individual can move freely in Belize.
Own a condo in Belize? You can also enter during Phase 3
Own a private home or condo in Belize? During Phase 3 once Belize’s international airport reopens, you’ll need to apply to return to Belize and show proof of ownership of property. Once approved, you will need to take a COVID-19 PCR Test and quarantine, at home, for 14 days. Additionally, owning a condo at a Gold Standard approved resort reopening during Phase 3 does not require you to adhere to the same limitations as international guests. Such as remaining on property, having no friends visit, etc. However, during this phase of reopening, visiting for real estate, investment, or other business purposes will not be allowed entry.
If visiting Belize for an extended stay (12 months), all non-resident visitors will be required to download the Belize Health App despite the length of your intended stay. The Belize Health App is currently being developed.