Belize releases Enhanced Health & Safety Guidelines for Tour Operators

by McNab Editorial Team

As Belize prepares to welcome back international visitors, the Belize Tourism Board (BTB), in collaboration with its industry partners, has prepared the new health and safety protocols for Tour Operators under the Tourism Gold Standard Recognition Program. These protocols aim to prepare Tour Operators to safely resume operations, as well as to protect both employees and guests.

The guidelines represent best practices for the industry upon reopening. However, measures will likely evolve based on the progression of the virus. Similarly, with recommendations of public health authorities, in compliance with the Laws of Belize. This initiative also represents a new level of commitment to the tourism industry for the continued establishment, implementation and enforcement of standards that will protect tourism workers, guests, and the wider Belizean populace as we mitigate the risk and spread of COVID-19.

Tours, Archaeological Sites & National Parks

In line with the Enhanced Tour Operator Guidelines, you can expect the following:

  • – New capacity restrictions for all tourism sites to ensure social distancing can be maintained
  • – Smaller tour groups to provide a more intimate tour experience
  • – Sites and Parks to manage tours by appointment to limit the number of persons on site
  • – Enhanced sanitization of tour equipment

Before reopening, the BTB will be holding a series of virtual training sessions for Tour Operators to assist them in the implementation of these new protocols.

Read more on Belize’s Travel Advisory by clicking here.

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