How To ‘Grab Life’ In Belize and Meet Adventure Head-On

by Carolee Chanona

Epic. At sheer mention, it’s a word that evokes images of adventure—with synonyms like grand, intrepid, monumental, legendary. And as the only mainland Central American country hugging the Caribbean coast, Belize is a destination like no other. Mountains and river valleys drip rainwater off overgrown vines, offshore atolls teem with aquatic life, and the historical ruins dotted across the land spans millennia. Translation? Belize does palpable relaxation just as well as it does heart-pumping adventure. But after a year like 2020, the country’s lush landscape and coastal corners are playgrounds simply begging to be explored—to make 2021 everything last year wasn’t. A sense of wanderlust has been building, and there’s even a term for this natural phenomenon to hit the (travel) grounds running: revenge travel. Forget tapping in or dipping your toes into adventure. Hold fast onto the reigns of adventure and grab life…in Belize.


Bring an open mind, and we’ll meet it with wide-open outdoor spaces ready to be the setting for spectacular experiences. Here, you can dive the world’s second largest barrier reef, explore Maya artifacts, paddle through underground caves or just lie on the beach.

Venture to Xunantunich, seek envy-inducing rainforest ziplining and expect absolute fun when kayaking with friends. Ready to plan the trip of a lifetime? Start mapping out your ambitious escape here.

The Destination’s Newest Marketing Campaign

rapel rock face waterfall belize adventure travel

Ever been rappelled down the rock face of a gushing waterfall? You can—in Belize. Image courtesy Belize Tourism Board

Launched July 2021, “Grab Life” is the new marketing campaign by the Belize Tourism Board and their agency. With award-worthy visuals and photography, the campaign’s storytelling capabilities further fuels what it means with adventure travel to Belize. Additionally, the campaign follows on the heels of BTB’s newly revamped website,, an essential resource for visitors looking to cross off Belize from their bucket list.

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