Travel and Leisure has 14 hotel ideas for an eco-adventurer’s next big adventure. That is if your dream vacation involves braving a tram to your room, scanning the treetops for brilliantly plumed birds as you go, trekking through jungle terrain, or fly-fishing offshore for grand slam fame. And not to mention, defy gravity (at least imagine you are) in the infinity pool. Acclaimed publication Travel and Leisure outlines a total of 14 unique lodges and eco-resorts around the world that offer complete seclusion and total immersion in their jungly, wildlife-filled paradise surroundings. Naturally, Belize’s very own Copal Tree Lodge in Toledo makes the list! Read on for T+L’s take on Copal Tree Lodge, a Muy’Ono Resort.
All about Copal Tree Lodge
There are luxe touches like freestanding tubs that look out over the emerald expanse of the Toledo district as well as nearly-outdoor showers, with a large cutout window in the hand-laid stone shower. The electric tram can be taken from the lobby to the river below, or up to the Signature Canopy Suites—boasting a daybed and even a walk-in shower with floor-to-ceiling jungle views.
Copal Tree is an upscale jungle lodge, yes, but it’s also a working certified-organic farm spanning 3,000 acres on the Belizean coast. The 16 suites and bungalows feature lofted ceilings with overhead fans, jungle-view floor-to-ceiling windows in the showers, and screened-in porches strung with hammocks.
Favorite activities include kayaking down the Rio Grande, snorkeling in the Caribbean, fishing trips (and bringing back the catch for the chef to cook), bird-watching, chocolate-making classes, and tours of the on-site coffee/spice farm and zero-impact rum distillery.
(The lodge’s sustainable Copalli Rum is part of a small group of certified organic rum distilleries in the world.) And there’s always simply sitting by the pool or on your back porch, gazing at the exuberant green and listening to the sounds of the jungle.”