ITVET School in Belize

by McNab Editorial Team

Trade School 

Belize has always been a country with a healthy respect for Education.  There are schools everywhere, in towns and villages, and accessible to all. Still, it is widely recognized that some young people may slip through the cracks. This is where the Institute of Training and Vocational Education comes in. Their primary mandate is to equip our youth with skills, knowledge, work ethic and credentials that will allow them to be gainfully employed.  The focus is on High School Graduates—Primary School Leavers—Customized Training and Skilled Tradespersons seeking skills upgrade.  The training they receive will arm them with skills and training that will enable them to make a living. Open House takes place once a year where the community is welcomed.  Trips and Projects, as well as Sports, are also included. 


Photo by ITVET


ITVET’s express purpose is to offer technical-vocational skills training, geared towards training a workforce capable of producing goods and services which are competitive in the global economy.  ITVET  believes that an education is a basic human right that must be guaranteed to all Belizeans to the highest level of each person’s capabilities.  Each trainee is treated as an individual with unique abilities, needs, and aspirations. 


Courses include Prevocational, Trades, and Home. The Prevocational is a full time program for trainees who, for whatever reason, were not able to successfully complete High School.  Trainees must be at least 14 years of age.  Primary school graduates with high PSE scores can also be admitted into this program. The course serves as a remedial program and will take 1 to 2 years, depending on how quickly the trainee masters the skills.  Core subjects are English, Maths, Science, Trade Exploration and Computer Technology.

Trade Exploration is a very important subject whereby trainees are exposed, taught, and given the opportunity to explore vocational skills in the full- time trades offered such as Building and  Ground Maintenance, Food Preparation, and Ornamental Horticulture.  They get an overview of what these entail first-hand so they will be able to decide on the trade of their choice.  In this curriculum, students also take classes in Computer Tech, English, Entrepreneurship and Math. 


In order to receive certification, each trainee must participate in a mandatory four-week On the Job Training session.  This is usually conducted in a true business or industry related to the Trainee’s area of study and requires an all-day work shift. There are two Training Centers in Corozal and Belize City.  

This is the place to come to be empowered to enter the job market or attain advancement in an already existing employment situation.

Written by Nelita Castillo

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