The Best Little Zoo in the World Needs Your Help

by Larry Waight

The Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center: How to Help

The Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center is a special place. Starting as a sanctuary for orphaned and abused animals, TBZ is now a leading voice for Belize’s extraordinary wildlife. Locally, it’s known by many as ‘The Best Little Zoo in the World”. 

The Best Little Zoo in the World

Founded in 1983, the Belize Zoo has grown from its initial roots into a major tourist attraction. The Tropical Education Center grew after realizing many Belizeans were not aware of the incredible variety of Belize’s native animals. Thousands of visitors, schoolchildren, and tourists visit the zoo every year. Additionally, it is Belize’s first wildlife attraction that is wheelchair-accessible.

The zoo warmly welcomes all visitors who want to learn more about Belize’s native animals. TBZ also features natural environments, room to roam, and natural feeding for all the animals.

Children and visitors can get to know Belize’s national bird, the keel-billed toucan, and its national animal, the mountain cow or tapir. Special education sessions cover Belize’s long history of conservation and its future as a major eco-tourism destination. 

TBZ’s Animal Ambassadors

The zoo has been home to many animals that became outstanding ambassadors of Belize’s commitment to conservation. The mountain tapir named April was one of the first animals the zoo took in. April became a much-loved figure who changed the way Belizeans thought about tapirs. Her birthday was celebrated in style every year until she died in 2013. Others are Hoodwink the owl and Junior Buddy, the jaguar who unfortunately passed away in December 2019.

Coronavirus Update on the Zoo

The Belize Zoo is currently closed in accordance with coronavirus guidelines, but employees are still caring for the animals. As a nonprofit, the zoo relies on admission fees and donations. Therefore, the zoo is accepting donations towards food for their 200+ animals.

Puma. Photos Courtesy

How You Can Help The Belize Zoo

If you want to support the Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center’s important work, you can do so through a special arrangement with Reimers Feedmill company. Because of their closure, Reimers has created an exciting new way to donate its animal foods to the zoo. 

Donating Food to the Animals

Make a payment online or by bank drop to one of the accounts below. If donating directly to The Belize Zoo, email a copy of payment to [email protected]. If donating animal feed, email a copy of payment to [email protected]. Please include how much the donation amount, the bank account where it was deposited to, and which charity the payment should go to. For example, “$100 to the Belize Zoo.” We would also recommend sending a message to the zoo with how much you have deposited. Thereafter, they’ll arrange for a food credit with Reimers Feed Mill.

The Belize Zoo Account: 

  • Account Name: The Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center.
  • Location: ScotiaBank, Albert Street Branch, Belize City – Transit # 91595 A/C # 0008915 and

Animal Feed via Reimer Feed Mill Accounts: 

  • Atlantic Bank: Denver Plett T/A Reimer Feed Mill – A/C # 100111790 
  • Belize Bank: A/C Reimers Feed Mill – A/C # 121217010120001 
  • Scotia Bank: A/C Reimers Feed Mill – A/C # 9137299 Transit #91595 
  • Heritage Bank: A/C Reimer Feed Mill – A/C # 33141014 Mobile ID reimersfeed 

This arrangement makes it easy to support the great work of this wonderful zoo. Alternatively, TBZ is also accepting in-kind vegetable, meat, and fruit donations to meet their animal’s daily feeding needs. A full list may be found by contacting [email protected]. The Belize Zoo is a special place. It began as a sanctuary for orphaned and abused animals and is now a leading voice for Belize’s extraordinary wildlife.  With closed visitation, they could use your help. 

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